Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Accomplishments for the day

1) finished reading yesterday's lecture materials ><....and then sacrificed today's for #2 and #3 ^^
2) finished making a necklace for one of my good friend

3) KYO CHON CHICKEN!!!...aka korean style fried chicken =)

hmm still need to work on taking good pictures but believe me the chicken was oh so scrumptious. it just looks like maroon blob there but it really satisfied my kyo chon craving. I guess the good thing about being exiled from california for medical school is that you become self sufficient and learn to improvise. obviously I can't just drive 5 minutes to order my favorite foods, so what happens when I crave something and the next "vacation break" is not right around the corner? I learn to make it myself!!!!! it's not the first time I've made some type of fried chicken before and my major complaint about making any type of fried chicken be it orange chicken, sweet and sour chicken, that once you put the sauce on the chicken, the flour gets all soggy and loses its crispiness >< so i was crossing my fingers that this friend chicken recipe would be different...and IT IS!!!2 hours later it still has a decent amount of crunch on it. sooooi would say that today's kyo chon chicken was a success =P

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