last fuckin test of the school year!!!! then i have to go thru lockdown for about a month to study for boards... blah!!
anyway...jay chou's newest album came out. must say that it was long awaited for but i'm a bit disappointed. don't feel like the songs hit the spot like they usually do =( am looking forward to his vampire music video for 跨時代 though...loooks hot as heck =)
so this is more of an entry for me to read back time to time and marvel at the complexity of the chinese language. yes i resented my mom for making me go to chinese school at a wee age of 2....but i'm so grateful now that i can read and write and that my world is so much more 豐富because of the culture that comes with understanding another language. i can watch my fob dramas and understand the complexity of what they're saying (sometimes english translations just can't capture the meaning of a chinese word/phrase..EX// is there a literal translation of 有緣沒份?) anyway..i digress... a lot of ppl scoff at me for "reading" lyrics to songs be it english or chinese. the lyrics are just as important in conveying a message as the melody behind it... i must say that 方文山 is one hell of a lyricist... they're not just's poetic and jay chou and 方文山 is definitely an awesome duo... jay's quite well known for his 中國風 type of music and i actually quite love that about him being a 古箏 player myself... but that type of music coupled with the poetic lyrics makes the song all the more beautiful. 方文山's lyrics are definitely more complex than the usual pop songs...basically still has the same love/unrequited love message but hidden in a veil of 古文-classical chinese- style... and for some reason...i can actually read this 古文 and understand better than i can understand old english or the english used in yeats and keats...go figure...ROCK ON CHINESE!!!!!!!!!! teehee
so anyway...lyric phrases that capture the heart
newest album: 跨時代
夢偏冷輾轉一生 情債又幾本 (GAHHHH T_T)
如你默認 生死枯等
枯等一圈 又一圈的 年輪
落葉飄在湖面上睡著了 ...such beautiful imagery
...心碎了一地 撿不回
從前的心跳... what a great way to reminisce about a broken relationship
我很忙 album
天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 炊煙裊裊昇起 隔江千萬里
在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸 就當我為遇見妳伏筆
天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 月色被打撈起 暈開了結局
如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗 妳眼帶笑
一起長大的約定 那樣清晰 打過勾的我相信
說好要一起旅行 是妳如今 唯一堅持的任
一起長大的約定 那樣真心 與妳聊不完的曾經
而我已經分不清 妳是友情 還是錯過的愛情
我們的開始 是很長的電影
放映了三年 我票都還留著
冰上的芭蕾 腦海中還在旋轉
望著妳 慢慢忘記妳
#朦朧的時間 我們溜了多遠
冰刀劃的圈 圈起了誰改變
如果再重來 會不會稍嫌狼狽
*再給我兩分鐘 讓我把記憶結成冰
別融化了眼淚 妳妝都花了要我怎麼記得
記得妳叫我忘了吧 記得妳叫我忘了吧
妳說妳會哭 不是因為在乎*
okay....i'm getting sleepy
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